Dandadan Chapter 114 – A Persistent Bastard

Cursed Okarun carries Momo as they escape from the alien leader's destroyed body.
Empty white page.
Momo and Okarun crash through the ground. Momo thanks Okarun for saving her.
Okarun scolds Momo for doing something very dangerous.
Momo and Okarun kneel, facing each other. They are suddenly blown away because of a nearby explosion.
Momo and Okarun run while Mr. Shrimp, Evil Eye, and cursed Aira fight the remaining enemy aliens.
Kaiju Vamola appears and kicks the alien that are blocking Momo and Okarun.
M. Shrimp dashes forward to lead the way. Momo and Okarun follow him to close the warp portal.
An alien that looks like an octopus appears from the alien leader's suit. It starts walking outside.
The alien octopus extends its tentacles to Kaiju Vamola and jumps behind it.
The alien octopus attacks Vamola while inside the Kaiju suit.
Kaiju Vamola starts going crazy and hits cursed Aira with its tail.
Momo, Okarun, Mr. Shrimp, cursed Aira, and Evil Eye are shocked after the Kaiju enters "Slaughter Mode."
The Kaiju suddenly grows big and towers over the buildings.
The Kaiju roars after becoming very ferocious, now with sharp claws, longer head horn, and visible bones at the back.
Momo and Okarun run to avoid the giant Kaiju. Okarun points to the Kaiju's mouth, and they see Vamola being held by tentacles.
Momo tells cursed Aira that Vamola is in trouble. Cursed Aira is busy attacking the swarms of aliens.
Kinta, on his motorcycle, appears and runs over the aliens. Cursed Aira, Momo, and Okarun are shocked at his entrance.
Kinta raises his mask and takes out a note after stopping his bike.


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