Dandadan Chapter 123 – The Class Rep’s Secret

The Class Rep asks Okarun if he is a vampire. She reveals he sometimes looks like a handsome vampire.
The class rep talks about the time she saw Okarun look like a vampire.
The class rep reveals she picked up a golden ball. Okarun shakes her shoulders. She panics, thinking he might bite her.
Class rep imagines being bound by vampire Okarun and about to be eaten.
The class rep is embarrassed. She reveals she took the golden ball to a police box.
Okarun tries to explain about the golden ball. The class rep reveals she believes in spirits.
The class rep revealed she felt a heavy object behind her after she picked up the ball.
Okarun tells the Class rep not to be embarrassed of him for asking about something. The class rep smiles.
The police officer tells Okarun and the Class rep that someone already collected the golden ball.
Okarun and the Class rep walk away and discuss the golden ball collector, including the suspicious police officer.
Okarun and the Class rep look at the police station from outside. Class rep and Okarun notices something.
A huge spirit clings behind the Class rep. Okarun watches and jumps to the electric cable above.
Cursed Okarun dashes through the huge spirit, but he just passes right through it.
Vamola, Momo, Grandma, and Turbo Granny are having dinner.
Momo gets mad and walks away from the table. Turbo Granny celebrates her win.
Momo enters her room and slumps on her bed. She thinks about Okarun.
Momo starts daydreaming with Okarun. Grandma calls her and says Okarun is looking for her.
Okarun dresses up and goes down the stairs. Turbo granny sees her. Momo puts on her hoodie jacket.
Cursed Okarun appears, bringing the class rep with him. Momo is shocked.


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