Dandadan Chapter 135 – She Went And Entered It

Okarun is shocked after seeing Momo enter the diorama.
Momo falls from the sky and sees mountain ranges and clouds below her.
Momo spreads her arms and legs as she falls. Candies and desserts are below.
Momo crashes through the various desserts and lands on a biscuit.
Momo is lying face down as she asks for help. She is surrounded by sweets while further ahead are mountains.
A paper and a quill suddenly appear in front of her. Momo looks at the words written "DANMARA."
Momo picks up the paper and tries to understand the drawing, but she can't. She looks up and wonders how to get back.
Momo stands up and plans to look for Zuma and ask him questions. She looks at the mountainous terrain before him.
Momo walks along the forest, which has many sweets. She eats one and finds it very delicious.
Momo walks over a stone bridge and passes a ruins while carrying and eating sweets.
Momo stands before a castle gate. She looks at the weapons nearby.
Momo picks up a sword similar to what the old guy was carrying. She brandishes the sword and goes inside the castle gate.
Momo has difficulty walking on a fresh cream. She sees a huge ramp before her.
A paper and a quill suddenly appear before Momo. The paper reads "National Border Hill" and wonders. The thugs' hideout is shown.
Momo tries to keep the thugs away from the diorama. He stares at it and sees Momo's figurine moving. The thugs see it, too.
The thug leader also sees Zuma's figurine. Okarun remembers something and realizes it's not a diorama.
Momo's figurine stands before a castle gate. Momo understands that she is in a game!


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