Dandadan Chapter 171 – Corner The Perp!

Aira and Okarun enter a kitchen room in the school. They don't see anybody inside.
Aira and Okarun look behind after the door suddenly closes. They try opening it, but they can't. Kinta knocks from outside.
Kinta opens the room and finds a cooking class inside. He also sees Jiji and Vamola entering the other door.
Cut to the scene, Aira, tiny Momo, and Okarun realize they are in empty space or another dimension.
Okarun's t-shirt suddenly merges with the furniture. Aira transforms into yokai mode, trying to protect Okarun.
Aira is shocked when her skirt suddenly merges with Okarun's pants. Tiny Momo warns them, and a light suddenly appears.
Sharp knives are suddenly thrown at them. Okarun and yokai Aira watches out. Tiny Momo tries to block them.
Tiny Momo uses her invisible hand to capture the knives, and Yokai Aira kicks them while protecting Okarun.
Okarun is shocked after getting merged with Yokai Aira's body. Aira is excited and surprised. Tiny Momo prepares.
Tiny Momo suddenly dashes downward after seeing tiny creatures with masks and pointy heads sewing the shirt.
The four creatures fall as Tiny Momo attacks them. With her powers, Tiny Momo reaches out for the two knives.
Tiny Momo uses knives to cut the sewen clothes and warns Okarun and Aira about the tiny creatures. They are thankful.
Tiny Momo tells Aira that the tiny sewing creatures are on her shoulders. Yokai Aira and Okarun can't see them.
The room is filled with those tiny creatures with masks and pointy heads roaming around and scattered.
Tiny Momo reveals to Aira and Okarun that the room is swarmed with pygmies.
The pygmies prepare knives and needles while doing acrobatics everywhere.
The pygmies attack Okarun and Aira, but only tiny Momo can see them.
Yokai Aira grabs the huge ovens with her hair and prepares to attack, but she realizes she can't move them.
The hug ovens and Aira's hair is tied up. The tiny pygmies burn the stove, and it explodes behind Aira.


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