Dandadan Chapter 25 – It Makes Your Heart Race, Don’t It?!

Okarun hugs Momo as he rescues her from the enemy. The Serpo Dover Demon Nessie's mouth is bisected.
Momo lies on a wet surface while hugging Okarun, who is on top of her. They both grasp for air.
Momo and Okarun, both naked, notice they are in the hallway. While Okarun is on top of her, someone calls them.
Students from the classrooms see Momo and Okarun naked on top of each other. They run away in embarrassment.
Momo and Okarun run naked through the hallway. Aira also runs naked coming from the stairs. A pretty nurse appears.
Momo, Okarun, and Aira are now dressed and standing before the sexy nurse who has a bat.
An old man interrupts, angering the nurse, Queen Sensei. She leaves, and Momo, Okarun, and Aira panic.
Momo sits beside Okarun. She asks Aira about her power's awakening.
Okarun tells Aira that the aliens might come after her.
Okarun analyzes and concludes that the aliens aren't invading the earth because of the yokai and demons.
The outer space is shown with the earth filled with ugly monster yokai and spaceships around the planet.
Okarun thinks the aliens can't defeat the yokai and that the aliens have his other ball.
Momo and Aira are embarrassed upon recalling their nakedness in the middle of the school corridor.
Aira's two friends appear and drag her away.
Momo tells Okarun to explain the incident where she caught him on top of Aira. Okarun explains.
Okarun bashfully tells Momo he's training to become stronger.
Momo teases Okarun for wanting to be cool in front of her.
Okarun starts leaving the room. Momo calls him, and Okarun sees her cute face.
Dandadan, by Yukinobu Tatsu, in grey color and on a black background page.


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