Dandadan Chapter 3 – It’s A Granny VS. Granny Clash!

A person wearing a hood, mask, and sharp claws with a crystal ball in front predicts the young man's age to be 27, but says 25.
The two are on a set with cameras and a production crew for the program Psychic Powers Exposed. The masked man is psychic.
After the show, the psychic walks away, and two crew members watch her. A car is on the country road.
The psychic's name is Santa Dodoria. He is inside a car. The driver asks if she's a psychic. Santa Dodoria tells him to stop.
Okarun transforms into cursed Okarun in front of the unconscious Ayase.
Cursed Okarun grabs Ayase's arm and prepares to bite her crotch.
Suddenly, cursed Okarun gets hit by wood with a nail and burns. He jumps to the river and sees someone approaching.
A pretty and sexy woman, Ayase's grandma, appears with a baseball bat. Cursed Okarun sees her.
Suddenly, cursed Okarun disappears, moves behind the woman, and tries to bite her.
Cursed Okarun suddenly starts burning and moves back. The woman stands in a circle.
Cursed Okarun stands over a circle on the ground and starts burning after coming out of it. It's the woman's trap.
The woman stands on a circle with a nail inside it while cursed Okarun's circle has the nail outside.
The woman stands in front of cursed Okarun. He gets angry, but the woman remains calm.
The woman beats cursed Okarun with her bat. Cursed Okarun burns his head after stepping outside the circle.
The woman opens her coat, which has three huge nails hidden inside. She takes out one of the nails and drops it to the ground.
Cut to the scene, Ayase wakes up in a nice room and immediately gets up looking for Okarun.
Ayase sees her sexy, pretty grandma in the living room watching a movie.
Ayase reveals that her friend went to a haunted spot. She asks where her friend is, but Granny says she killed it.
Grandma pretends she's a phony spirit medium, reminding Ayase that she didn't believe in spirits before. Ayase is pissed.
Ayase bows to the floor and asks her grandma for forgiveness. Grandma says he is in the main shrine. Ayase swiftly runs.
Ayase runs fast outside her house and opens the door of the shrine. She starts looking for Okarun.
Ayase sees Okarun sitting on the floor and eating food. Okarun cries, thinking he thought he killed her.
Ayase closes the door and starts kicking it because she is worrying too much. She is shocked to see her grandma behind her.
Grandma said Okarun's curse won't activate if he's inside the shrine. Ayase explains what happened to him.
Ayase tells Grandma she's got psychic powers now after encountering aliens and UFOs. Grandma doesn't believe in aliens.
Grandma reveals that Turbo Granny was called "The 100 KMPH Granny" in the old days. Grandma once went to the tunnel.
Grandma tells Ayase about Bound Spirits, spirits that remain in a place they have a strong connection to. She cites the tunnel.
Grandma says that Turbo Granny and a Bound Spirit have combined into one. Grandma faces a huge, ugly monster.
Grandma said not to get involved with Okarun and his curse. Ayase looks at the door and thinks about what to do.
Ayase decides she will help Okarun, aka Ken Takakura. Grandma tells him that Ayase loves him. Ayase refers to the actor, Ken.
Grandma tells Ayase to play a little tag with Turbo Granny and run like her life depends on it.
Ayase doesn't want to challenge Turbo Granny and suggests something like putting a barrier in the tunnel, but Grandma refuses.
Grandma explains her barrier is only effective in their region as he borrows the powers of that region's God.
Granny talks about Okarun, who will challenge Turbo Granny to a race with Momo Ayase on her back.
Granny tells Okarun and Momo to train their abilities and powers. She will be their personal trainer.
Grandma walks away after telling Okarun to start training immediately and Momo to sleep. Okarun apologizes to Momo.
Okarun apologizes for not being of help during the fight with the alien monster. Momo says it's fine.
Miss Ayase walks away to get a futon. Okarun requests a glass of water when she returns.
Momo grabs a glass of barley tea in the house while Grandma sits down, eats a snack, and watches the news.
End of Dandadan Chapter 3 on a black page background.


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