Dandadan Chapter 30 – Don’t Give Up!

Momo grabs the weird naked man with her powers, Jiji hugs her, and Okarun chases them. Okarun removes his shoes.
Okarun changes into cursed form and catches up with the naked, weird guy.
The naked weird guy jumps over a house and keeps running.
Momo grabs the naked weird guy and Okarun with her powers. She sees a bus coming towards her.
Okarun catches Momo and puts her on his back as he continues running.
Momo thanks Okarun for saving her. The naked, weird guy keeps running, but Momo still holds him.
Okarun firmly holds the naked weird guy as Okarun stops running to seize the guy.
The naked, weird guy suddenly scrambles his body to break free from Momo's grip. He manages to form back into a human again.
The naked, weird guy merges back and gets away. Momo, Okarun, and Jiji stop running after losing the weird guy.
Momo lifts her fist and starts running again after knowing the weird guy's location.
Okarun, Momo, and Jiji stop walking after hearing someone shout beyond the barricade.
Momo, Okarun, and Jiji see the weird naked man lying face flat on the ground.
Momo holds the weird naked man's heart. The weird naked man, called Taro, hears someone calling him & recognizes it as Hana.
Taro frantically searches the debris. Momo and Okarun watch him.
Taro finds Hana, a mannequin with no limbs. Taro reveals his love for Hana. Okarun listens.
Okarun listens to Taro's confession of love to Hana. He recalls the first time he met Momo.
Taro tells Hana to run away with him even though they live in different eras.
Okarun watches with bubbles of love surrounding him.


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