Dandadan Chapter 50 – Let’s All Carry Around Hot Water

Colored image of Aira Shiratori and Okarun in their cursed form.
Colored image of cursed Aira dancing while wearing her school uniform on a white background.
Colored image of cursed Okarun in a jacket hoodie on a white background.
Dandadan, by Yukinobu Tatsu, in grey color and on a black background page.
Character details of Momo Ayase, Okarun (Ken Takakura), and Turbo Granny inside a kitten's body.
Character details of Aira Shiratori, Jiji Enjoji, Seiko Ayase, Manjiro, and Taro.
Dandadan list of chapters from 50 to 58.
Momo realizes that splashing Jiji with cold water causes Evil Eye to take over. But if it's hot water, the real Jiji comes out.
Momo kicks Jiji. Jiji takes out Taro's head. Grandma tells Taro he won't be seeing him for now.
Grandma bows before Momo, Okarun, and Jiji to ask for forgiveness.
Turbo Granny reveals that the Evel Eye was originally a mountain Yokai revered as gods, and Jiji is the ultimate vessel.
Grandma tells Manjiro to monitor Jiji and reveals Taro's barrier won't last long.
Grandma tells Jiji to be extra careful as the slightest cold will transform him into the Evil Eye.
Jiji has a shadow of the Evil Eye behind him. Momo and Okarun drink hot water.
Momo, Okarun, and Ayase send the Kappa, the alien shrimp, and his kid farewell.
Mr. Shrimp reveals his full name, which is Peeny Weeny. They wave each other farewell.
Grandma, Manjiro, Momo, Okarun, Taro, and Jiji are inside a van, driving to the hospital to see Jiji's parents.
They reveal carrying thermoses. Okarun accidentally touches Momo's bandaged hands.
Okarun apologizes for touching Momo's hand, but Momo says it's fine. Momo touches Okarun's hands.
Momo's hands start playing on Okarun's hands, playing it like a piano. Okarun asks Momo why.
Jiji butts in, telling Momo he can't move Taro's body like he wanted to. Jiji suddenly flaps her elbows like a chicken.
Their car drives through the road, in the middle of the city, and with other cars nearby.
Jiji gets teary-eyed, seeing his parents wave at him. His parents hug him.
Momo, Okarun, and Taro watch in the corner as Jiji talks with his parents inside the hospital.
A news report on TV shows an erupting volcano in Serpent City, and the Kito family is arrested, except for Naki.
Naki Kito pants as she hides in the forest while men look for her at a distance.
Naki Kito shows her true form, an ugly creature called the Subterraneans.


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