Dandadan Chapter 86 – I Just Wanna Leave Already

Momo defeats the dimensional alien using her newfound powers.
The ceiling broke as Momo fell to the floor. The enemy clones watch.
The enemy clones switch back to their true Serpoian form. They plan to seize Momo.
Momo is lying on the floor, her hand shivering, as the Serpoians see her bluffs.
The Serpoians stand around Momo, who just looks at them.
The Serpoians suddenly disappear, leaving Momo on the floor.
The injured Seropian with a scarface tells Momo he sent back his clones and calls it a truce. Momo smiles.
Momo sits and bandages herself. The scar-faced Serpoian reveals the enemy robbed them of everything.
The scar-faced Serpoian says the enemy must come from a different galaxy because he doesn't know them.
The scar-faced Serpoian reveals the pyramids are a transmission system, with another one in Japan.
The scar-faced Serpoian reveals the Kofun Burial Mounds is also a transmission system.
The scar-faced Serpoian recalls when the alien attacked them and robbed them of their knowledge and data.
The scar-faced Serpoian thinks someone in the enemy with a Kaiju suit might have a ball.
The scar-faced Serpoian tells Momo that her friends could also be attacked.
Momo tells the Serpoian to return her to normal space.
The scar-faced Serpoian asks Momo to take him with her. Momo refuses and leaves.
Momo sees the time at 23:41 and realizes Reiko Kashima will get her.
Using the Serpoian's head, Momo enters a night hotel to spend the night there.
Momo and the Serpoian successfully enter the hotel to spend the night there.


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