Dandadan Chapter 97 – What To Do About The Name?

Cursed Aira, Jiji, and Mr. Shrimp fight the monster aliens.
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Mr. Shrimp fights the alien that looks like a praying mantis. He defends as the alien attacks him continuously.
Cursed Aira throws cars at the alien monster.
The fat alien fires missiles and destroys the cars.
Aira gets distracted, and the tentacle alien grabs her limbs. The sniper alien fires at her.
The sniper alien's beam bends after Jiji deflects it with his "Haa Wave." Mr Shrimp attacks the tentacle alien.
Mr. Shrimp punches the tentacle alien. Jiji, Mr. Shrimp, and cursed Aira prepare to attack it.
Jiji, Mr. Shrimp, and cursed Aira dodge the explosion behind them. They plan to dodge their attacks.
Cursed Aira tells Jiji to fend off the missiles & lasers and Mr. Shrimp to fight the mantis. She attacks the tentacle alien.
Cursed Aira restrains the tentacles using her hair. She covers the tentacle alien with hair.
Cursed Aira attacks the tentacle alien, but the huge alien appears behind her and restrains her.
Cursed Aira coughs blood after the fat alien's attack. Jiji fires "Haa Wave".
Jiji's attack didn't affect the alien. Mr. Shrimp is getting pummeled by the mantis alien.
Jiji stands as the missile alien, and the tentacle alien attacks him while Aira and Mr. Shrimp are in a pinch.
Jiji fires his "Haa Wave" and deflects the missiles, making them explode behind him. He recalls Momo's naming advice.
Jiji falls while being hit by the explosions. With burnt clothes and debris around him, he makes another attack.
Jiji imagines their tight situation as he prepares to make another attack. He sees Evil Eye.
Jiji fires a powerful attack called "The Evil Gun," similar to Kamehameha, and hits the fat alien.


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