Dandadan Chapter 41 – Jiji The Prodigy

Colored image of Okarun and Jiji's cursed forms.
Colored image of Okarun in cursed form with white background.
Colored image of Jiji in cursed form only wearing an underwear with white background.
Dandadan, by Yukinobu Tatsu, in grey color and on a black background page.
Character details of Momo Ayase, Okarun (Ken Takakura), and Turbo Granny whose possesing a cat.
Character details of Aira Shiratori, Seiko Ayase, Jiji (Jin Enjoji), and Evil Eye.
Dandadan list of Chapters from 41 to 49.
The huge snake monster smashes on the wall. Momo sees Jiji.
Momo falls to the ground while Jiji, possessed by the Evil Eye, walks past him. Turbo Grandma tells her to get ready.
Possessed Jiji hits Momo with a very powerful kick. Momo smashes the wooden wall behind her. Jiji follows another kick.
Possessed Jiji pins Momo and Turbo Granny with his kick.
The huge Kuragari recovers and unleashes lightning from its body. Jiji notices it and extends his arm.
Jiji creates a powerful, transparent shield that protects them from the lightning while he pins Momo.
Momo looks up and sees ghost faces. Jiji clenches his fist and creates an energy ball with ghost faces.
Jiji kicks the energy ball upwards and hits the giant monster snake, Kuragari.
After hitting the ceiling, the ball bounces back downwards and hits the Kuragari again. Jiji kicks back the energy ball.
The ball bounces around and hits Kuragari multiple times.
The monster snake, Kuragari, burrows into the wall to escape. Jiji prepares another energy ball.
Momo kneels to the floor, wondering what happened to Jiji. Turbo Granny says Jiji is a prodigy.
Turbo Granny explains what's happening to Jiji. Momo is still shocked. Jiji menacingly looks at her.
Jiji kicks the energy ball to Momo, who blocks it with telekinetic arms. Jiji swiftly moves to Momo's side to punch her.
Jiji punches Momo, but she blocks and smashes to the wall. Jiji then prepares to kick another energy ball at Momo.
Okarun suddenly appears and kicks Jiji's energy ball to save Momo.
End of Chapter 41 with the title Dandadan in grey color, on a black background page.


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